Time management is crucial for the Internet marketer, or any business person, for that matter. While there are several aspects of your business that you will be able to conduct offline, much of your work will be done while you are connected to the Internet. The temptation to surf, do research, or fool around in general is great and the savvy Internet marketer will be mindful of what they are doing online.
No Games During Working Hours
Perhaps the greatest aspect of time management is discipline. While many of us yearn to be our own bosses, sometimes we’re not prepared for the freedom we suddenly have once we take on our own business. That’s why, even though there may not be anyone looking over your shoulder, you’ll have to make sensible rules – and then follow them! To many of us, there is nothing more relaxing than an online game or surfing our favorite websites, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If that’s what you like to do, by all means, keep doing it. Just discipline yourself to do so in your off hours. It may be difficult at first, but you’ll be much more productive if your work hours are for working only. That way, you can thoroughly enjoy yourself during your off hours and you won’t feel guilty for playing. Effective time management isn’t for work only, it’s for every aspect of your life.
Networking is Important, But…
Networking is an important tool both in the offline and online business communities. However, if you’re not careful, you can spend so much time networking that you don’t have time to actually work. The solution? Just like you should schedule time for the rest of your business activities, schedule time to visit forums, network, and check on your competition. Depending on your business needs, you may need to schedule this type of online activity on a daily or a weekly basis. The important thing is to take care of this task at a time that is not taking away from the task at hand.
Managing Chat Programs
Depending on your business, you may have a variety of chat programs open so that you can communicate with clients or customers. While this can definitely be a boost to your business, it can also be a huge time waster if you’re not careful. While you certainly should let clients know when you are available to them, no one should be allowed to monopolize your time. If you need to leave chat programs open for clients to communicate with you, do so, but don’t stop to chat with every friend or acquaintance that stops to chat with you.
Take advantage of the invisible option available on most chat programs when you can. In addition to going “invisible,” you can also create a custom message or be invisible to only certain people. Then after working hours, you can be visible again if you choose. The important thing is to not let the convenience of chat and instant messaging turn into a huge time waster. Depending on the needs of your business, you may want to set aside certain hours that clients can reach you and then work certain hours where you are left on your own to attend to other tasks.
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